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커리어 진로 소개

여러분에게 재능이 있고 훌륭한 태도를 가지고 있으며 성공을 이루는 데 기여하고자 한다면, 당사는 여러분을 만나기를 원합니다.

당사의 커리어 진로 프로그램은 다양화를 통해 회사 성장을 주도하고, 소외된 지역 사회와 공평한 직업 기회를 연결합니다. 이 이니셔티브를 통해 당사는 다양한 팀이 함께 모여 성공을 이루고 최선을 다할 수 있는 환경을 조성할 수 있도록 직원들을 지원합니다.


에퀴닉스 인재 네트워크에 합류해 보세요

에퀴닉스에 어떤 경로로 취업하려 합니까? 



Are you a veteran or married to one? Then Equinix has opportunities for you. Individuals with military backgrounds bring a unique brand of dedication and team spirit, and we are committed to providing you a smooth transition. Learn more here.


Career transition 

At Equinix, you do not necessarily need a high-tech background. In many cases, the skills you have gained in another industry are exactly what we are looking for. Interested in transitioning your career? Find out more.

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I have worked at Equinix for 11 years now, and I currently lead our Operations recruitment team in EMEA, hiring staff for Equinix’s data centres across Europe and the Middle...

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파트너십 및 상

Logo, Badge, Symbol, Architecture, Building, Factory, Disk
Logo, Architecture, Building, Factory, Badge, Symbol
Logo, Disk
Stencil, Person, Face, Head, Logo
Symbol, Dynamite, Weapon, Star Symbol, Logo
Logo, Trademark, Symbol, Tape, Label, Text
Logo, Trademark, Symbol
Logo, Trademark, Symbol, Text, Word
Hand, Symbol, Text
Text, Label, Logo, Trademark, Symbol, First Aid, Number
Text, Label, Id Cards, Document
Logo, Symbol, Recycling Symbol
Advertisement, Poster, Sign, Symbol, Text, Dynamite, Weapon
Text, Symbol, Label
Text, Label, Symbol
Advertisement, Poster, Sign, Symbol, Text, Logo, Dynamite, Weapon
Advertisement, Poster, Sign, Symbol, Text, Dynamite, Weapon
Text, Label, Newspaper, Number, Symbol
Logo, Trademark, Symbol, Label, Text
Bird, Animal, First Aid, Text, Eagle
Text, Alphabet, Dynamite, Weapon, Bomb, Weaponry
Book, Publication, Advertisement, Logo, Mailbox, Text, Symbol, Poster
Logo, Book, Publication, Advertisement, Mailbox, Text, Symbol, Poster, People, Person
Logo, License Plate, Vehicle, Transportation, Text
Logo, Text, Dynamite, Weapon
Logo, Text, Dynamite, Weapon, Number, Symbol
Advertisement, Poster, Text, Scoreboard
Logo, Person, Armor, Symbol
Person, Armor, Logo, Symbol

에퀴닉스 인재 네트워크에 합류해 보세요

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