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Making an impact with our Customer Success team

Jul 25, 2022

Our Customer Success team puts our customers at the center of everything we do. Together with other global teams, they work to ensure our customers are supported every step of the way, from the installation and the day-to-day running of their data center operations, to delivering an exceptional customer experience. 

We sat down with Marcos Pineda, Director of Customer Success for the Asia-Pacific region, to learn more about the opportunities in the Customer Success team.

What is the biggest opportunity for a Customer Success Manager in this role?

A Customer Success Manager has the unique opportunity to connect our customers’ objectives to our fantastic capabilities—the products and services that Equinix has to offer. 

Why is this such an important role within your team?

These days, every business is on the move to adapt to a new reality. This role is fundamental to help customers grab the opportunity to go digital and to do it fast.

What does a great leader look like at Equinix? What’s your leadership style?

 A great leader at Equinix models our values, shows obsession for our customers’ success and prioritizes our employees’ wellbeing on a daily basis.

What made you decide to join the team at Equinix?

It was 100% the incredible team I interacted with during an intense recruitment process. It’s always the people!

What gets you excited about coming to work in the morning? What do you love the most about working at Equinix?

Equinix is a special place. The super strong culture is apparent at all levels. It starts with the employees and ends with our customers.

What do you look for when recruiting for your team?

I look for talent eager to grow, learn and lead change. I also look for people who are an active part of their communities and who are ready to make a positive impact.

How would you describe the culture of your team and at Equinix?

Our team is very aligned to Equinix’s values. We work smart and care for each other.

How do you ensure your direct report(s) feel well-supported in their lives both in and out of the office, especially during this pandemic?

The pandemic has been a challenge but one to embrace. As a team, we have discovered new aspects in our lives, and we are walking that journey together. 

Flexibility is more important than ever. It’s a discovery process where we’ll define what works best for us as conditions change.

What do you believe is the No. 1 thing managers must do when onboarding new employees? 

Onboarding is a lasting experience. At Equinix, we go all-in when a new employee joins. 

In my view, managers must do three things:
1) connect personally;
2) provide guidance on what makes Equinix special;
3) be curious about new employees’ ideas and impressions.  

Why is diversity in your team so important to you?

Diversity is beyond important—it’s fundamental. It’s the only way for a team to achieve its full potential.

If you're inspired to join our Customer Success team, check out the roles here


Publicado em jul 25, 2022

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