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Life at Equinix: Part of a bigger purpose

Yolande Goh, Vice President, Legal, Asia-Pacific

Jun 23, 2021

Why I want to show up for work in Equinix every day.

First and most importantly, it is the people of Equinix who make me want to show up for work every day. I have been lucky to meet many nurturing, selfless and driven colleagues who have served and continue to serve as my sponsors, mentors, managers, peers and teammates. They have been an inspiration throughout my career in Equinix. Equally important, it’s been my privilege and blessing to have a team of fantastic high-performing legal professionals supporting me. They are not only my teammates, but also my good friends. I do not for a moment believe I could have accomplished what I have in this organization without the help and support of all these amazing people. 

Second, it is the vision and culture of Equinix that inspires me. Equinix is a visionary company that is constantly reinventing itself with new ideas looking toward the future. In less than two decades, Equinix has grown from a small data center provider in Silicon Valley to the world’s leading global data center provider, with more than 220 data centers worldwide. The company is now the world’s digital infrastructure provider. I am working with colleagues I can learn from who push, encourage and inspire me to take on new and challenging assignments and tasks every day. I get great satisfaction from being in a role in which I can make a difference on this transformational journey. Culturally, I am proud to be in a company where I am surrounded by highly driven and successful people who genuinely care about those they work with and the communities in which they live.

Part of a bigger purpose

In addition to my responsibilities in the legal function, because Equinix has been advancing its diversity and inclusion mission, I have the opportunity to step up and drive initiatives involving topics that are a passion of mine – ensuring that the workplace is diverse (in all form and manner).

I am a firm believer in diversity. Diversity in the workplace is crucial, increasing opportunities for employees of all races, genders and orientations. Further, the world we live in and the business environment we operate in are becoming increasingly diversified. Our customer base is therefore also becoming increasingly diversified. A diverse workforce enables us to make better decisions, which gives us an advantage over our competitors. Greater diversity allows us to achieve better business results. I am thus committed to diversity in my hiring decisions as well as in my business deliberations. However, I am careful to ensure that choosing diversity does not become another form of discrimination. I will not hire someone simply for the sake of diversity, and I always ensure I am choosing the right person for any role.

In this regard, I am involved in several employee networks. As a member of the Allies Council at Equinix, which advocates for underrepresented communities, I invest in our development as inclusive leaders and lead change throughout Equinix. Second, I am an ambassador of the Equinix Women Leaders Network, a group promoting, connecting and empowering women. Third and most recently, I am a co-sponsor of YoungProfessionalsConnect (YPC), a platform for new-to-career talent. 

These platforms allow me to contribute to causes I am passionate about while also allowing me to learn and grow.  

I love that I belong and am valued for my unique contribution

At Equinix, leadership genuinely care about the staff. Initiatives are not simply slogans and taglines. I feel Equinix leadership trusts my decisions and supports me in my work. Everyone is supportive and always willing to provide their help and experience to accomplish the company’s goals.

Leading a wonderful team of high-performing legal professionals, I am highly conscious of creating and fostering a collegial environment where everyone on the team fights for the company and each other. We make an effort to build up and maintain camaraderie within the team to ensure that we not only work hard but also play hard, enjoying each other and life.

My responsibilities and tasks at Equinix are personally challenging and match my career goals and ambition. I am proud to say I work for Equinix and am deeply honored to be a part of the Equinix family after 16 years.

My top tip for someone looking to join Equinix

There is never a dull day at Equinix. In fact, every hour is as diverse as every day! Anyone joining Equinix must therefore be prepared to address new and novel problems and issues that crop up on a daily basis. Change is a constant. As we work toward rolling out cutting-edge products and services, each of us must also be prepared to manage the subtleties and nuance of grey areas rather than black-or-white situations.

I believe in authenticity, which, at the end of the day, works both ways. It’s not just about the candidate being a good fit for the company. Culturally and workwise, it’s important that the company also be the right fit for the candidate. Hence, a candidate should be sincere and authentic during the interview and not provide responses he or she feels or anticipates the interviewer would like to hear. Nonetheless, a candidate should always learn as much as possible about Equinix – its business, and its products and services, prior to the interview. It always stands the candidate in good stead if he or she is prepared to demonstrate to the interviewer how his or her qualifications and experience will be able to bring value to the company.

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Postado por Yolande Goh, Vice President, Legal, Asia-Pacific em jun 23, 2021

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