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Network Latency vs. Compute Latency

Haifeng Li

Mar 27, 2024
When we say the word “latency,” most people have a specific definition in mind: the delay that occurs while a system waits for a packet to finish moving over a network. This definition is technically correct, but it’s also incomplete. There are multiple types of latency, and this definition only accounts for one of them: network latency. As digital infrastructure has expanded to circle the globe and applications have become more distributed, it’s understandable that many people would be so focused on solving for network latency that they’d fail to consider any other kind. We believe it’s time for a…

The post Network Latency vs. Compute Latency appeared first on Interconnections - The Equinix Blog.


Haifeng Liによって3月 27, 2024に投稿されました

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