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How Did My Cloud Bill Get So High?

Ian Botbyl

Feb 15, 2023
Deciding where to deploy your hybrid IT workloads is complex. Do you choose the public cloud, colocation, edge, on-premises or even Bare Metal as a Service (BMaaS)? And what factors must be considered in your decision-making process? There’s cost, agility, business value, speed, reliability, compliance, customer experience, data protection, disaster recovery and more. If you choose to simply take a lift-and-shift approach to migrating workloads to the cloud—instead of creating a holistic migration strategy that fully considers all key criteria for cloud success—then cloud repatriation may be in your future. Post-cloud deployment (also known as cloud repatriation) is the migration…

The post How Did My Cloud Bill Get So High? appeared first on Interconnections - The Equinix Blog.


Ian Botbylによって2月 15, 2023に投稿されました

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