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Emerging Connectivity Trends at the Edge

Vanessa Santos

jul 13 2022
B.A.N.I. – Brittle, Anxious, Nonlinear and Incomprehensible world. Do any of those–or all–sound familiar to you when working to bring the best from yourself, your team, your applications and your business? While combining vision and technological resources at your disposal to build and enhance the foundations required for your business to thrive in the digital economy? This is not exclusive to discussions with C-Suites, technologists and business technologists. The perspectives become more interesting when bringing expanded roles and skills into this conversation. Jamais Cascio—an American Anthropologist, author and futurist—when presenting the BANI acronym, drives us to address the complex changes…

The post Emerging Connectivity Trends at the Edge appeared first on Interconnections - The Equinix Blog.

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Publicado por Vanessa Santos el jul 13 2022

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