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Network as Code: The Path to Unlocking New Value from 5G

Ron Hamway

Sep 7 2023
Network service providers (NSPs) have invested heavily in 5G, and 5G connectivity is expected to keep growing globally in the coming years. Alongside 5G growth, as-a-service models have taken the tech industry by storm, with OEM providers and hyperscalers joining the fray. Networks are now moving in the SaaS direction, with both mobile and wireline networks investing in new Network as a Service (NaaS) offerings. The desire to “cloudify” network services—to make them faster, OPEX based and easier to provision—is growing thanks to the benefits that SaaS models deliver, from faster time to market to easier consumption. As network operators…

The post Network as Code: The Path to Unlocking New Value from 5G appeared first on Interconnections - The Equinix Blog.

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Gepostet von Ron Hamway am Sep 7 2023

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